Free tasting

A stand-alone tasting offering a choice of 16 wines

16 wines to taste on your own

CHF 9.- / about 3 ounces
CHF 15.- / about 6 ounces

Enjoy a free tasting at any time at Celliers de Sion! With a loaded Enomatic card, you’ll be able to taste 16 wines on your own. Native grape varieties and blends are offered.

Every day
10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The activity is available at weekends without prior reservation, subject to availability on arrival. To book this activity, please do so on weekdays only.

Les Celliers de Sion

Book your free tasting

You can visit Celliers de Sion spontaneously to take advantage of this offer.

Reservations can only be made from Monday to Friday afternoon.

I book
For bookings within 24 hours, please contact us by telephone on 027 205 65 25.

Frequently asked questions

Can I bring my children?

This service is not intended for children. The legal drinking age in Switzerland is 16.

However, they can still accompany you to the table and drink a syrup.

Free tasting, guided tasting?

No. There’s no guide for this service, you’ll taste independently and at your own pace at our Enomatic.

Can I take advantage of this offer in another language?

As this is a stand-alone offer, you can do it no matter what language you speak.

Wine information sheets are available in English, French and German.

Discounts on wine orders in the Valais

Combine and enjoy

10% off your wine order

Each time you take part in one of our wine tourism activities, you'll be entitled to a 10% discount on your wine order on the day of your visit.

Age verification

Please confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country.